
1 electron-volt [eV] = 11604.5250061657 kelvin [K]


Constants and Conversion Units

constant value
h (Planck’s constant) 6.6260755*10-34 J s
kB (Boltzman’s constant) 1.380658*10-23 J K-1
NA (Avogadro’s number) 6.0221367*1023 mol-1
c (speed of light) 2.99792458*1010 cm s-1
ao (Bohr radius) 5.29177249*10-11 m
e (charge of electron) 1.60217733*10-19 Coul
unit conversion factor
1 Debye 3.336*10-30 Coul m
1 eV 1.60217733*10-19 J
1 Hartree 4.3597482*10-18 J
1 Hartree 627.509 kcal mol-1
1 Hartree 27.2116 eV
1 kcal mol-1 4.184 J mol-1
1 Electron volt 23.06035 kcal mol-1
1 Bohr 0.529177249 Angstroms
ZPVE (Hartree) 2.27817*10-6 * vib. wavenumber (cm-1)
vibrational temperatur Tv (K) 1.43877 * vib. wavenumber (cm-1)
1 unit = hartree kJ mol-1 kcal mol-1 eV cm-1
hartree 1 2625.50 627.51 27.212 2.1947×105
kJ mol-1 3.8088×10-4  1 0.23901 1.0364×10-2 83.593
kcal mol-1 1.5936×10-3 4.1840 1 4.3363×10-2  349.75
eV 3.6749×10-2 96.485 23.061 1 8065.5
cm-1 4.5563×10-6 1.1963×10-2 2.8591×10-3 1.2398×10-4 1

如氩分子的能量参数 εar=1.645*10-21J;单位转化为K则为,11604.5250061657/1.60217733*10-19(K/J)*1.645*10-21J=119.8K

                                                                  单位转化为kcal mol-1则为,1.645*10-21J/个*6.022*1023个/mol/4.184(cal/J)/1000=0.238 kcal/mol

                                                                  1 kcal/mol=119.8/0.238 K=503.23 K

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