
作为一个开放源代码项目,Lucene从问世之后,引发了开放源代码社群的巨大反响,程序员们不仅使用它构建具体的全文检索应用,而且将之集成到各种系统软件中去,以及构建Web应用,甚至某些商业软件也采用了Lucene作为其内部全文检索子系统的核心。apache软件基金会的网站使用了Lucene作为全文检索的引擎,IBM的开源软件eclipse的2.1版本中也采用了Lucene作为帮助子系统的全文索引引擎,相应的IBM的商业软件Web Sphere中也采用了Lucene。Lucene以其开放源代码的特性、优异的索引结构、良好的系统架构获得了越来越多的应用。






(5)已经默认实现了一套强大的查询引擎,用户无需自己编写代码即使系统可获得强大的查询能力,Lucene的查询实现中默认实现了布尔操作、模糊查询(Fuzzy Search)、分组查询等等。



1. 准备工作

  1.1 下载最新源码,

  1.2 编译,按照说明,使用ant进行编译(我使用了ant eclipse)



    public void test() throws IOException, ParseException {Analyzer analyzer = new NGramAnalyzer();// Store the index in memory:Directory directory = new RAMDirectory();// To store an index on disk, use this instead://Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("E:\\demo\\data", "");//Directory directory =;IndexWriterConfig config = new IndexWriterConfig(analyzer);IndexWriter iwriter = new IndexWriter(directory, config);Document doc = new Document();String text = "我是中国人.";doc.add(new Field("fieldname", text, TextField.TYPE_STORED));iwriter.addDocument(doc);iwriter.close();// Now search the index:DirectoryReader ireader =;IndexSearcher isearcher = new IndexSearcher(ireader);isearcher.setSimilarity(new BM25Similarity());// Parse a simple query that searches for "text":QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("fieldname", analyzer);Query query = parser.parse("中国,人");ScoreDoc[] hits =, 1000).scoreDocs;// Iterate through the results:for (int i = 0; i < hits.length; i++) {Document hitDoc = isearcher.doc(hits[i].doc);System.out.println(hitDoc.getFields().toString());}ireader.close();directory.close();}private static class NGramAnalyzer extends Analyzer {@Overrideprotected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName) {final Tokenizer tokenizer = new KeywordTokenizer();return new TokenStreamComponents(tokenizer, new NGramTokenFilter(tokenizer, 1, 4, true));}}


/*** An Analyzer builds TokenStreams, which analyze text.  It thus represents a* policy for extracting index terms from text.* <p>* In order to define what analysis is done, subclasses must define their* {@link TokenStreamComponents TokenStreamComponents} in {@link #createComponents(String)}.* The components are then reused in each call to {@link #tokenStream(String, Reader)}.* <p>* Simple example:* <pre class="prettyprint">* Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer() {*  {@literal @Override}*   protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName) {*     Tokenizer source = new FooTokenizer(reader);*     TokenStream filter = new FooFilter(source);*     filter = new BarFilter(filter);*     return new TokenStreamComponents(source, filter);*   }*   {@literal @Override}*   protected TokenStream normalize(TokenStream in) {*     // Assuming FooFilter is about normalization and BarFilter is about*     // stemming, only FooFilter should be applied*     return new FooFilter(in);*   }* };* </pre>* For more examples, see the {@link org.apache.lucene.analysis Analysis package documentation}.* <p>* For some concrete implementations bundled with Lucene, look in the analysis modules:* <ul>*   <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-common/overview-summary.html">Common</a>:*       Analyzers for indexing content in different languages and domains.*   <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-icu/overview-summary.html">ICU</a>:*       Exposes functionality from ICU to Apache Lucene. *   <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-kuromoji/overview-summary.html">Kuromoji</a>:*       Morphological analyzer for Japanese text.*   <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-morfologik/overview-summary.html">Morfologik</a>:*       Dictionary-driven lemmatization for the Polish language.*   <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-phonetic/overview-summary.html">Phonetic</a>:*       Analysis for indexing phonetic signatures (for sounds-alike search).*   <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-smartcn/overview-summary.html">Smart Chinese</a>:*       Analyzer for Simplified Chinese, which indexes words.*   <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-stempel/overview-summary.html">Stempel</a>:*       Algorithmic Stemmer for the Polish Language.* </ul>** @since 3.1*/


将测试类放入solr-lucene源码中,并进行debug,如果想要分析TFIDF算法,可以直接new ClassicSimilarity 然后放入IndexSearch,其它的类似。





  IDF即倒排文件频次(Inverse Document Frequency)指在倒排文档中出现的次数,qi是Q分词后term




  |D|是文档的单词的个数,avgdl 指库里的平均文档长度。




  /** Implemented as <code>log(1 + (docCount - docFreq + 0.5)/(docFreq + 0.5))</code>. */protected float idf(long docFreq, long docCount) {return (float) Math.log(1 + (docCount - docFreq + 0.5D)/(docFreq + 0.5D));}


  @Overridepublic final SimWeight computeWeight(float boost, CollectionStatistics collectionStats, TermStatistics... termStats) {Explanation idf = termStats.length == 1 ? idfExplain(collectionStats, termStats[0]) : idfExplain(collectionStats, termStats);float avgdl = avgFieldLength(collectionStats);float[] oldCache = new float[256];float[] cache = new float[256];for (int i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) {oldCache[i] = k1 * ((1 - b) + b * OLD_LENGTH_TABLE[i] / avgdl);cache[i] = k1 * ((1 - b) + b * LENGTH_TABLE[i] / avgdl);}return new BM25Stats(collectionStats.field(), boost, idf, avgdl, oldCache, cache);}/*** Computes a score factor for a phrase.* * <p>* The default implementation sums the idf factor for* each term in the phrase.* * @param collectionStats collection-level statistics* @param termStats term-level statistics for the terms in the phrase* @return an Explain object that includes both an idf *         score factor for the phrase and an explanation *         for each term.*/public Explanation idfExplain(CollectionStatistics collectionStats, TermStatistics termStats[]) {double idf = 0d; // sum into a double before casting into a floatList<Explanation> details = new ArrayList<>();for (final TermStatistics stat : termStats ) {Explanation idfExplain = idfExplain(collectionStats, stat);details.add(idfExplain);idf += idfExplain.getValue();}return Explanation.match((float) idf, "idf(), sum of:", details);}



  public BM25Similarity(float k1, float b) {if (Float.isFinite(k1) == false || k1 < 0) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal k1 value: " + k1 + ", must be a non-negative finite value");}if (Float.isNaN(b) || b < 0 || b > 1) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal b value: " + b + ", must be between 0 and 1");}this.k1 = k1;this.b  = b;}/** BM25 with these default values:* <ul>*   <li>{@code k1 = 1.2}</li>*   <li>{@code b = 0.75}</li>* </ul>*/public BM25Similarity() {this(1.2f, 0.75f);}

  3.平均文档长度avgdl 计算

  /** The default implementation computes the average as <code>sumTotalTermFreq / docCount</code> */protected float avgFieldLength(CollectionStatistics collectionStats) {final long sumTotalTermFreq;if (collectionStats.sumTotalTermFreq() == -1) {// frequencies are omitted (tf=1), its # of postingsif (collectionStats.sumDocFreq() == -1) {// theoretical case only: remove!return 1f;}sumTotalTermFreq = collectionStats.sumDocFreq();} else {sumTotalTermFreq = collectionStats.sumTotalTermFreq();}final long docCount = collectionStats.docCount() == -1 ? collectionStats.maxDoc() : collectionStats.docCount();return (float) (sumTotalTermFreq / (double) docCount);}


  /** Cache of decoded bytes. */private static final float[] OLD_LENGTH_TABLE = new float[256];private static final float[] LENGTH_TABLE = new float[256];static {for (int i = 1; i < 256; i++) {float f = SmallFloat.byte315ToFloat((byte)i);OLD_LENGTH_TABLE[i] = 1.0f / (f*f);}OLD_LENGTH_TABLE[0] = 1.0f / OLD_LENGTH_TABLE[255]; // otherwise inffor (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {LENGTH_TABLE[i] = SmallFloat.byte4ToInt((byte) i);}}@Overridepublic final SimWeight computeWeight(float boost, CollectionStatistics collectionStats, TermStatistics... termStats) {Explanation idf = termStats.length == 1 ? idfExplain(collectionStats, termStats[0]) : idfExplain(collectionStats, termStats);float avgdl = avgFieldLength(collectionStats);float[] oldCache = new float[256];float[] cache = new float[256];for (int i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) {
      oldCache[i] = k1 * ((1 - b) + b * OLD_LENGTH_TABLE[i] / avgdl);cache[i] = k1 * ((1 - b) + b * LENGTH_TABLE[i] / avgdl);}return new BM25Stats(collectionStats.field(), boost, idf, avgdl, oldCache, cache);}




    BM25Stats(String field, float boost, Explanation idf, float avgdl, float[] oldCache, float[] cache) {this.field = field;this.boost = boost;this.idf = idf;this.avgdl = avgdl;this.weight = idf.getValue() * boost;this.oldCache = oldCache;this.cache = cache;}BM25DocScorer(BM25Stats stats, int indexCreatedVersionMajor, NumericDocValues norms) throws IOException {this.stats = stats;this.weightValue = stats.weight * (k1 + 1);this.norms = norms;if (indexCreatedVersionMajor >= 7) {lengthCache = LENGTH_TABLE;cache = stats.cache;} else {lengthCache = OLD_LENGTH_TABLE;cache = stats.oldCache;}}




    @Overridepublic float score(int doc, float freq) throws IOException {// if there are no norms, we act as if b=0float norm;if (norms == null) {norm = k1;} else {if (norms.advanceExact(doc)) { norm = cache[((byte) norms.longValue()) & 0xFF];} else {norm = cache[0];}}return weightValue * freq / (freq + norm);}





    SynonymWeight(Query query, IndexSearcher searcher, float boost) throws IOException {super(query);CollectionStatistics collectionStats = searcher.collectionStatistics(terms[0].field());//1long docFreq = 0;long totalTermFreq = 0;termContexts = new TermContext[terms.length];for (int i = 0; i < termContexts.length; i++) {termContexts[i] =, terms[i]);TermStatistics termStats = searcher.termStatistics(terms[i], termContexts[i]);//2docFreq = Math.max(termStats.docFreq(), docFreq);if (termStats.totalTermFreq() == -1) {totalTermFreq = -1;} else if (totalTermFreq != -1) {totalTermFreq += termStats.totalTermFreq();}}TermStatistics[] statics=new TermStatistics[terms.length];for(int i=0;i<terms.length;i++) {TermStatistics pseudoStats = new TermStatistics(terms[i].bytes(), docFreq, totalTermFreq,query.getKeyword());statics[i]=pseudoStats;}this.similarity = searcher.getSimilarity(true);this.simWeight = similarity.computeWeight(boost, collectionStats, statics);}


  /*** Returns {@link CollectionStatistics} for a field.* * This can be overridden for example, to return a field's statistics* across a distributed collection.* @lucene.experimental*/public CollectionStatistics collectionStatistics(String field) throws IOException {final int docCount;final long sumTotalTermFreq;final long sumDocFreq;assert field != null;Terms terms = MultiFields.getTerms(reader, field);if (terms == null) {docCount = 0;sumTotalTermFreq = 0;sumDocFreq = 0;} else {docCount = terms.getDocCount();sumTotalTermFreq = terms.getSumTotalTermFreq();sumDocFreq = terms.getSumDocFreq();}return new CollectionStatistics(field, reader.maxDoc(), docCount, sumTotalTermFreq, sumDocFreq);}


  /*** Returns {@link TermStatistics} for a term.* * This can be overridden for example, to return a term's statistics* across a distributed collection.* @lucene.experimental*/public TermStatistics termStatistics(Term term, TermContext context) throws IOException {return new TermStatistics(term.bytes(), context.docFreq(), context.totalTermFreq(),term.text());}


    @Overrideprotected float score(DisiWrapper topList) throws IOException {return similarity.score(topList.doc, tf(topList));}/** combines TF of all subs. */final int tf(DisiWrapper topList) throws IOException {int tf = 0;for (DisiWrapper w = topList; w != null; w = {tf += ((TermScorer)w.scorer).freq();}return tf;}



 @Overridepublic int nextDoc() throws IOException {if (docUpto == docFreq) {return doc = NO_MORE_DOCS;}if (docBufferUpto == BLOCK_SIZE) {refillDocs();}accum += docDeltaBuffer[docBufferUpto];freq = freqBuffer[docBufferUpto];posPendingCount += freq;docBufferUpto++;docUpto++;doc = accum;position = 0;return doc;}


 BM25算法的全称是 Okapi BM25,是一种二元独立模型的扩展,也可以用来做搜索的相关度排序。本文通过和lucene的BM25Similarity的实现来深入理解整个打分公式。




<similarity class="solr.DavidSimilarityFactory"/>  注意,路径不是,而是solr.DavidSimilarityFactory。若使用则报错:









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