Revit 2011 可否用API来链接 Rvt 文件?



REVIT 2011的API中如何实现链接rvt文件。

下图为Revit 2020 API ,表明:导入和链接均不提供对 RVT 文件的操作。


Revit 2011没有提供API来连接外部rvt文件。

Revit 2012 也没有开放链接外部rvt的API,但是2012提供了更多的对已经连接进来的模型的管理和查询。

  • ExternalFileReference – A non-Element class which contains path and type information for a single external file which a Revit project references. ExternalFileReference also contains information about whether the external file was loaded or unloaded the last time the associated Revit project was opened.
  • ExternalFileUtils – A utility class which allows the user to find all external file references, get the external file reference from an element, or tell whether an element is an external file reference.
  • RevitLinkType – An element representing a Revit file linked into a Revit project.
  • CADLinkType – An element representing a DWG drawing. CADLinkTypes may be links, which maintain a relationship with the file they originally came from, or imports, which do not maintain a relationship. The property IsImport will distinguish between the two kinds.
  • LinkType – The base class of RevitLinkType and CADLinkType.
  • ModelPath – A non-Element class which contains path information for a file (not necessarily a .rvt file.) Paths can be to a location on a local or network drive, or to a Revit Server location.
  • ModelPathUtils – A utility class which provides methods for converting between strings and ModelPaths.
  • TransmissionData – A class which stores information about all of the external file references in a document. The TransmissionData for a Revit project can be read without opening the document.



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