
总公司:Head Office (HO)
分公司: BranchOffice BO)
营业部 :BusinessOffice BO)
人事部:Personnel Department PD)
人力资源部 :HumanResources Department HR)
总务部 :GeneralAffairs Department GAD)
财务部 :GeneralAccounting Department GA)
销售部: SalesDepartment SD)
促销部 :SalesPromotion Department SPD)
国际部:International Department ID)
出口部: ExportDepartment ED)
进口部 :ImportDepartment ID)
公共关系 :PublicRelations Department PD)
广告部:Advertising Department AD)
企划部: PlanningDepartment PD)
产品开发部 :ProductDevelopment Department PDD)
研发部 :Researchand Development DepartmentR&D) RDD)
秘书室:Secretarial Pool SP)
采购部:Purchasing Department PD)
工程部:Engineering Department ED)
行政部: Admin.Department AD)
人力资源部: HRDepartment HR)
市场部:Marketing Department MD)
技术部:Technolog Department TD)
客服部: ServiceDepartment SD)
行政部:Administration AD)
财务部:Financial Department FD)
总经理室:Direcotor,or President DP)
副总经理室:DeputyDirector, or Vice president DD)
总经办:GeneralDeparment GD)
采购部:Purchase& Order Department POD)
工程部:EngineeringDeparment ED)
研发部:ResearchDeparment RD)
生产部:ProductiveDepartment PD)
销售部:SalesDeparment SD)
广东业务部:GD BranchDeparment GD)
无线事业部:WirelessIndustry Department WD)
拓展部: BusinessExpending Department BED)
物供部:SupplyDepartment SD)

B&Dbusiness and development :业务拓展部

Marketing :市场部
Sales :销售部
HR :人力资源部
Account :会计部
PR people relationship :公共关系部
OFC Office, 但不常见)/ OMB = Office of Management and Budget: 办公室
Finance :财务部
MKTG Marketing) :市场部
R&D Research & Development): 研发部
MFG Manufacturing) :产品部

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独自遨游何稽首 揭天掀地慰生平


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