计算机音乐上的加号是哪个音调6,音乐基本用语– 音阶与调式/Scales and Scale Degrees…

1. 音阶/Scale


A scale, from the Italian scala = stairs or ladder), is a pattern

of notes ascending or descending by step.

2. 调式/Scale degrees


The degrees of the scale are the scale-steps. These may be

indicated by number or by name. The first degree of the diatonic

scale is the tonic, the second the supertonic, the third the

mediant, the fourth the subdominant, the fifth the dominant, the

sixth the submediant, the seventh the leading tone or leading


3. 上行音阶/Ascending scale


The ascending diatonic scale is the scale going up by step from

lower to higher frequencies or pitches. Starting from the tonic or

key-note, the scale degrees in ascending order are: tonic,

supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, leading

tone or leading note, tonic.

4. 下行音阶/Descending scale



The descending diatonic scale is the scale going down by step from

higher to lower frequencies or pitches. Starting from the tonic or

key-note, the scale degrees in descending order are: tonic, leading

tone or leading note, submediant, dominant, subdominant, mediant,

supertonic, tonic.

5. 大音阶/Major scale


D, E, F, G, A, B, C.

The major scale is a diatonic scale that, in ascending order,

consists of a pattern of steps and half steps, or whole tones and

semitones. The half steps or semitones occur between the third and

fourth degrees of the scale and the seventh and eighth, that is

between the mediant and the subdominant and between leading tone or

leading note and the tonic. The major scale may be played on the

white notes of the piano from C to C, in ascending order C, D, E,

F, G, A, B, C.

6. 主音/Tonic


The tonic is the first degree of the scale, the keynote or home

note. The key of a piece of music is identified by the tonic. In

tonal music it is the most important note in a given key.

7. 属音/Dominant


The dominant is the fifth degree of the scale. In tonal music it is

next in importance to the tonic. The dominant is the highest note

in the tonic triad, and serves as the basis of the key most closely

associated with the tonic key, the first of nearly related


8. 下属音/Subdominant


The subdominant or lower dominant is the fourth degree of the

scale, but takes its name from the fact that it is the fifth

scale-step below the tonic. In tonal music it is next in importance

to the dominant, one of the nearly related keys.

9. 中音/Mediant


The mediant is the third degree of the scale and is midway between

the tonic and the dominant. Tonic, mediant and dominant together

form the tonic triad.

10. 下中音/Submediant


The submediant is the sixth degree of the scale and is midway

between the subdominant or lower dominant and the tonic.

Subdominant, submediant and tonic together form the subdominant


11. 导音/Leading tone


The leading tone or leading note is the seventh or degree of the

scale and is a half step or Leading note semitone below the tonic,

to which it leads.

12. 调号/Key Signature


A key signature is placed at the beginning of a piece of music or

of a section to indicate the key of the piece or section. Sharps or

flats are drawn at the appropriate place on the staff, showing that

the notes so indicated should be sharpened or flattened throughout,

unless the sharp or flat is cancelled by a natural sign. This last

may also be in a key signature to show changes in key.

13. 升号/Sharp keys


大调2); A大调 3); E 大调4); B 大调 5); 升F大调6);


A piece of tonal music is said to be in a key when it uses as its

principal material the notes of a certain diatonic scale. Keys that

have sharps in the major scale begin with the scale of G, a perfect

fifth above C. The key of C has no sharps or flats, but G needs one

sharp to ensure that a series of consecutive notes starting on G

forms the necessary pattern of whole steps or whole tones and half

steps or semitones, with a half step or semitone between the

leading tone or leading note and tonic. The scale and key of G

major, therefore, has one sharp, D major starting a perfect fifth

higher has two, and so on. G major 1); D major 2); A major 3); E

major 4); B major 5); F sharp major 6); C sharp major 7). Each

key retains the sharp of the preceding key, in the order given

above, and adds a newly sharpened leading tone or leading


14. 降号/Flat keys


大调 1); 降B大调2); 降E大调3); 降A大调4);

降D大调5); 降G大调6);


A piece of tonal music is said to be in a key when it uses as its

principal material the notes of a certain diatonic scale. Keys that

have flats in the major scale begin with the scale of F, a perfect

fifth below C. The key of C has no sharps or flats, but F needs one

flat to ensure that a series of consecutive notes starting on F

forms the necessary pattern of whole steps or whole tones and half

steps or semitones, with a half step or semitone between the

mediant and subdominant. The scale and key of F major, therefore,

has one flat, B flat major starting a perfect fifth lower has two,

and so on. F major 1); B flat major 2); E flat major 3); A flat

major 4); D flat major 5); G flat major 6); C flat major 7).

Each key retains the flat of the preceding key, in the order given

above, and adds a newly flattened subdominant.

15. 等音/Enharmonic keys


Enharmonic keys are keys that are the enharmonic equivalent of each

other. In standard well-tempered tuning or tuning in equal

temperament the note C sharp is the enharmonic equivalent of D

flat, D sharp of E flat, and so on. While more sensitive forms of

tuning may distinguish between any two such notes, on the modern

keyboard they are the same, although they are written differently.

Enharmonic keys, are keys that are enharmonic equivalents. Thus the

key of C sharp major is the enharmonic equivalent of the key of D

flat major, F sharp major of G flat major, and so on.

16. 五度循环/The Circle of Fifths


The order of keys in ascending numbers of sharps or flats can be

illustrated by a circle of fifths. With C at the highest point of

the circle, keys a fifth apart, ascending, can be shown on the

right of the circle, keys a fifth apart, descending, on the left.

These keys will coincide with their enharmonic equivalent. The

point of such coincidence is usually taken at F sharp major = G

flat major)

17. 关系大调/Relative major key


小调的关系大调, A 大调 是 升F


G/e; D/b; A/升f; E/升c; B/升g; 升F /升d; 升C /升a.

Any major key has a relative minor, its tonic a minor third below

the tonic of the major key. C major, therefore, is related to a

minor key with its tonic on A, the submediant or sixth degree of

the scale of C major. C major, therefore, is the relative major of

A minor, G major is the relative major of E minor, D major of B

minor, A major of F sharp minor, and so on. Relative majors and

their minors are as follows, with the major indicated by a capital

letter and the minor by a small letter, an increasingly common

practice, for long current in Germany: C/a; G/e; D/b; A/f sharp;

E/c sharp; B/g sharp; F sharp/d sharp; C sharp/a sharp.

18. 关系小调/Relative minor key


升F 小调是 A


e/G; b/D; 升f /A; 升c /E; 升g /B; 升d /升F; 升a /升C

Any minor key has a relative major, its tonic a minor third above

the tonic of the minor key. A minor, therefore, is related to a

major key with its tonic on C, the mediant or third degree of the

scale of A minor. A minor, therefore, is the relative minor of C

major, E minor is the relative minor of G major, B minor of D

major, F sharp minor of A major, and so on. Relative minors and

their majors are as follows, with the major indicated by a capital

letter and the minor by a small letter, an increasingly common

practice, for long current in Germany: a/C; e/G; b/D; f sharp/A; c

sharp/E; g sharp/B; d sharp/F sharp; a sharp/C sharp.

19. 小音阶/Minor scale


和 C调, E调 和 F调.

The minor scale occurs in various forms. The natural minor scale

has an ascending patter of whole and half steps, or tones and

semitones. Half steps or semitones occur between the second and

third degrees of the scale the supertonic and the mediant) and

between the fifth and sixth the dominant and submediant). The

natural minor scale can be played on the white notes of the piano,

starting on A. The half steps or semitones will occur between B and

C, and E and F.

20. 上行旋律小调/Ascending melodic minor



– B – C – D – E – 升F – 升G – A.。半音介于B 和 C,


The melodic minor scale is the form of minor scale commonly used in

melodies. The ascending melodic minor scale follows the pattern of

the natural minor scale, but retains the sharpened sixth and

seventh degrees of the scale from the major scale, thus avoiding

the conventionally less common interval that would occur between

the sixth degree and the seventh, raised to serve as the leading

tone leading note), sharpened to provide a more definite ending.

The sharpening of the sixth and seventh degrees is indicated by

additional sharp or natural signs as accidentals. The ascending

melodic minor scale of A minor would, therefore, be: A – B – C – D

– E – F sharp – G sharp – A. Half steps semitones) occur between B

and C, and G sharp and A, the second and third and seventh and

eighth degrees of the scale.

21. 下行旋律小调/Descending melodic minor


– G – F – E – D – C – B – A。半音介于F 和E, B 和C,


The melodic minor scale is the form of minor scale commonly used in

melodies. While the ascending melodic minor follows the natural

minor, with the sixth and seventh degrees of the scale sharpened as

in the major scale, the descending melodic minor scale follows the

natural minor. The descending melodic minor scale of A minor can,

therefore, be played on the white notes of the piano, starting on

A, and would be: A – G – F – E – D – C – B – A. Half steps

semitones) occur between F and E, and between B and C, the fifth

and sixth and the third and second degrees of the scale.

22. 重升号/Double sharps


A double sharp, indicated by the sign x, raises a note by two half

steps semitones). Thus C double sharp on the keyboard is the same

as D, two half steps higher, D double sharp is the same as E, and

so on. The use of the double sharp serves a harmonic purpose,

avoiding the incorrect use of the same letter name twice in the

seven degrees of the scale. Thus the ascending melodic minor scale

of G sharp minor would need a leading tone leading note) of F

double sharp, the enharmonic equivalent of G, for reasons of

harmony, dictated by the harmonic function of a note in a given


23. 重降号/Double flats


A double flat, indicated by the sign **, lowers a note by two half

steps semitones). Thus D double flat on the keyboard is the same

as C, two half steps lower, C double flat is the same as B flat,

and so on. The use of the double flat, serves a harmonic purpose,

avoiding the use of the same letter name twice in the seven degrees

of the scale. Thus the ascending minor scale of C flat minor would

need a mediant or third degree of E double flat, the enharmonic

equivalent of D, for reasons of harmony, dictated by the harmonic

function of a note in a given context.

24. 和声小音阶/Harmonic minor


– B – C – D – E – F – 升G – A.


The harmonic minor scale is the form of minor scale that generally

serves the purposes of harmony rather than those of melody. In this

scale the seventh degree of the natural minor scale is raised a

half step or semitone. Thus the harmonic minor scale of A minor

would be: A – B – C – D – E – F – G sharp – A. In melodies the

interval between the sixth and seventh degrees of the scale in the

harmonic minor is an augmented second, used conventionally for more

exotic effects.

25. 小音阶/Minor scales



Minor scales generally appear in one of three forms, natural minor

the minor mode), melodic minor, and harmonic minor. A principal

feature in all three is the interval of a minor third between the

tonic and the third degree of the scale, giving a minor tonic triad

with the fifth degree or dominant.

26. 自然小音阶/Natural minor


The natural minor scale is formed from a pattern of whole steps or

tones and half steps or semitones. The half steps occur between the

second and third degrees of the scale, and between the fifth and

sixth degree. Thus the natural minor scale of A minor can be played

on the white notes of the piano from A to A. It is also known as

the minor mode or Aeolian mode.

27. 全音音阶/Whole tone scale


– D – E – 升F – 升G – 升A =降B) – C,

升C上的行全音音阶为:升C – 升D – 升E –双升 F

-双升G -双升A 降D – 降E – F – G – A – B – 降D =


The whole tone scale is formed from a pattern of whole tones or

whole steps, without semitones or half steps. Although such a scale

can start on any note, only two forms are possible, the scale on C

and that on C sharp or D flat). The ascending whole tone scale on

C is: C – D – E – F sharp – G sharp – A sharp =B flat) – C, and on

C sharp is: C sharp – D sharp – E sharp – F double sharp – G double

sharp – A double sharp D flat – E flat – F – G – A – B – D flat =

C sharp). The scale was used particularly by Claude Debussy,

although never throughout a whole piece of music.

28. 五声音阶/Pentatonic scale


– D – E – G –


The pentatonic scale, a scale of five notes, is a scale without

semitones. It can be played on the black keys of the piano.

Starting on C the scale has the notes C – D – E – G – A, its mode

dictated by the final note. It exists, therefore, in five possible

modes. It is used extensively in the folk or traditional music of

many cultures.

29. 八音音阶/Octatonic scale


– D – 降E – F – 降G – 降A –还原A – B – C.


The octatonic scale consists of alternate whole steps and half

steps, or tones and semitones. Eight notes are need to complete the

octave. The octatonic scale starting on C is: C – D – E flat – F –

G flat – A flat – A natural – B – C. The octatonic scale was used

by Rimsky-Korsakov, and, more particularly, by Stravinsky.

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