



R语言也是要安装的,不安装怎么用呢?目前按照操作习惯可以划分为两种:R Console和R stuido。

R Console


R stuido

下载地址: http://www.rstudio.com/ide,老规矩还是对号入座,可以发现有Desktop和Server两个版本,我们选择Desktop。这个笔者并没有安装,所以就不在这分享了。


bnlearn is an R package for learning the graphical structure of Bayesian networks, estimate their parameters and perform some useful inference. It was first released in 2007, it has been been under continuous development for more than 10 years and still going strong). To get started and install the latest development snapshot type.



install.packages”bnlearn”) install.packages”https://www.bnlearn.com/releases/bnlearn_latest.tar.gz”) 导入bnlearn包 library”bnlearn”)bn.boot


创建贝叶斯网络模型 空网络 e = empty.graphLETTERS[1:6])classe)e


非空网络 cptA = matrixc0.4, 0.6), ncol = 2, dimnames = listNULL, c”LOW”, “HIGH”)))cptB = matrixc0.8, 0.2), ncol = 2, dimnames = listNULL, c”GOOD”, “BAD”)))cptC = c0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.6, 0.3, 0.7, 0.2, 0.8)dimcptC) = c2, 2, 2)dimnamescptC) = list”C” = c”TRUE”, “FALSE”), “A” = c”LOW”, “HIGH”),”B” = c”GOOD”, “BAD”))net = model2network”[A][B][C|A:B]”)dfit = custom.fitnet, dist = listA = cptA, B = cptB, C = cptC))dfit


参数学习 datalearning.test)pdag = iamblearning.test)scoreset.arcpdag, from = “A”, to = “B”), learning.test)scoreset.arcpdag, from = “B”, to = “A”), learning.test)fit = bn.fitdag, learning.test)


Bayesian network parameters Parameters of node A multinomial distribution)Conditional probability table: a b c0.334 0.334 0.332 Parameters of node B multinomial distribution)Conditional probability table: AB a b c a 0.8561 0.4449 0.1149 b 0.0252 0.2210 0.0945 c 0.1187 0.3341 0.7906 Parameters of node C multinomial distribution)Conditional probability table: a b c0.7434 0.2048 0.0518 Parameters of node D multinomial distribution)Conditional probability table:, , C = a AD a b c a 0.8008 0.0925 0.1053 b 0.0902 0.8021 0.1117 c 0.1089 0.1054 0.7830, , C = b AD a b c a 0.1808 0.8830 0.2470 b 0.1328 0.0702 0.4939 c 0.6864 0.0468 0.2591, , C = c AD a b c a 0.4286 0.3412 0.1333 b 0.2024 0.3882 0.4444 c 0.3690 0.2706 0.4222 Parameters of node E multinomial distribution)Conditional probability table:, , F = a BE a b c a 0.8052 0.2059 0.1194 b 0.0974 0.1797 0.1145 c 0.0974 0.6144 0.7661, , F = b BE a b c a 0.4005 0.3168 0.2376 b 0.4903 0.3664 0.5067 c 0.1092 0.3168 0.2557 Parameters of node F multinomial distribution)Conditional probability table: a b0.502 0.498 结构学习 datalearning.test)datagaussian.test)learn.net = empty.graphnameslearning.test))modelstringlearn.net) = “[A][C][F][B|A][D|A:C][E|B:F]”gauss.net = empty.graphnamesgaussian.test))modelstringgauss.net) = “[A][B][E][G][C|A:B][D|B][F|A:D:E:G]”scorelearn.net, learning.test)scoregauss.net, gaussian.test)scorelearn.net, learning.test, type = “bic”)scorelearn.net, learning.test, type = “aic”)scorelearn.net, learning.test, type = “bde”)



[1] https://www.bnlearn.com/examples/
[2] zjdyj, kddyc. 贝叶斯网络结构学习综述[J]. 计算机应用研究, 20153).
[3] Scutari M . Bayesian network models for incomplete and dynamic data[J]. Stata Neerlandica, 20207).
[4] Scutari M , Vitolo C , Tucker A . Learning Bayesian networks from big data with greedy search: computational complexity and efficient implementation[J]. Stats and Computing, 2019, 295):1095-1108.
[5] Scutari M . Dirichlet Bayesian Network Scores and the Maximum Relative Entropy Principle[J]. Behaviormetrika, 201811):337-362.

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