当前版本是2.2以上,购买版的。试用版的无法试用Command line
Both Spine and the Spine launcher must be 2.1.00 or higher to perform command line export. To update the Spine launcher, download and reinstall Spine.
将Spine的安装目录设置到系统环境变量中(我的电脑,右键,属性,高级系统属性,环境变量,系统变量的path 中添加)
配置成功之后,可以在cmd命令行中输入Spine -h 会出现导出帮助。如下面:
Editor: -h, --help Print this help message and exit. -v, --version Print version information and exit. -l, --logout Logout, removing activation code. -k, --keys Enable hotkey popups by default. -n, --notimeout Disable timeout when checking for and downloading updates. -x, --proxy Proxy server to use when checking for and downloading updates. -s, --scale Experimental: UI scale, default is 1.0. project.spine Path to Spine project file to open. Export: -i, --input Path to Spine project file, overrides export settings JSON. -o, --output Path to write export files), overrides export settings JSON. -e, --export Path to export settings JSON file. Pack: -i, --input Path to folder of images to be packed. -o, --output Path to write texture atlas files. -p, --pack Texture atlas name or path to pack settings JSON file. Examples: Spine --export /path/to/export.json Spine --export "/path/with spaces/to/export.json" Spine --input /path/to/project.spine --output /path/to/output/ --export /path/to/export.json Spine -i /path/to/project.spine -o /path/to/output/ -e /path/to/export.json Spine -e /path/to/export1.json -e /path/to/export2.json Spine -i /path/to/images/ -o /path/to/output/ --pack /path/to/pack.json Spine -i /path/to/images/ -o /path/to/output/ -p /path/to/pack.json Spine -i /path/to/project1.spine -o /path/to/output/ -e /path/to/export1.json -i /path/to/project2.spine -e /path/to/export2.json -i /path/to/images/ -o /path/to/output/ -p /path/to/pack.json
-i 需要导出的 XX.spine路径
-o 导出路径
-e 设置json 注:我们可以在spine 软件中, spine ->export中进行设置,然后点击save,保存一个json文件,就是导出时需要的文件。我这里起名字为spinesetting.json
-i spine路径 -o 导出路径 -e setting.json路径
另一种是 -i -o -p
-p Texture atlas name or path to pack settings JSON file.
@echo off set DIR=%~dp0 echo - cleanup if exist "%DIR%SpineExport" rmdir /s /q "%DIR%SpineExport" mkdir "%DIR%SpineExport" echo -spineExport for /f "delims=" %%i in 'dir /b/a-d/s %DIR%SpineSource*.spine') do Spine -i %%i -o "%DIR%SpineExport" -e "%DIR%spinesetting.json" echo -exportEnd pause
set DIR=%~dp0 :设置DIR变量为当前绝对路径
for /f "delims=" %%i in 'dir /b/a-d/s %DIR%SpineSource*.spine') :遍历文件夹下和子文件夹下的.spine类型文件 ,并执行导出命令。
官网文档 http://zh.esotericsoftware.com/spine-export