// 大数继续
Problem Description
Recall the definition of the Fibonacci numbers:
f1 := 1
f2 := 2
fn := fn-1 + fn-2 n >= 3)
Given two numbers a and b, calculate how many Fibonacci numbers are in the range [a, b].
The input contains several test cases. Each test case consists of two non-negative integer numbers a and b. Input is terminated by a = b = 0. Otherwise, a <= b <= 10^100. The numbers a and b are given with no superfluous leading zeros.
For each test case output on a single line the number of Fibonacci numbers fi with a <= fi <= b.
Sample Input
10 100 1234567890 9876543210 0 0
Sample Output
5 4
University of Ulm Local Contest 2000
#include<iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include<string> using namespace std; string addstring x,string y) { string ans ; int lenx = x.length); int leny = y.length); iflenx<leny) { forint i = 1;i<=leny-lenx;i++) x = "0"+x; } else { forint i = 1;i<=lenx-leny;i++) y = "0"+y; } lenx = x.length); int cf = 0; int temp; forint i = lenx-1;i>=0;i--) { temp = x[i] - '0' + y[i] - '0'+cf; cf = temp/10; temp%=10; ans = char'0'+temp)+ans; } ifcf!=0) ans = charcf+'0')+ans; return ans; } int comparestring x,string y)// 字符串形式的数的比较大小 { int i,lenx = x.length),leny = y.length),leaf; ifx==y) return 0;// 0 表示 x == y ifx.length)>y.length)) return 1;// 返回1 表示 x > y ifx.length)<y.length)) return -1;// -1 表示 x < y ifx.length)==y.length)) { fori = 0;i<lenx;i++) { ifx[i]==y[i]) continue; ifx[i]>y[i]) return 1; else return -1; } return 0; } return leaf; } int main) { int i,j,k,start,eend; string x,y,num[1005];; num[0] = "0"; num[1] = "1"; num[2] = "2"; forint i = 3;i<=1000;i++) num[i] = addnum[i-1],num[i-2]); whilecin>>x>>y&&x!="0"||y!="0")// x y 均为 0 的时候才结束程序 { ify == "0")// y == 0 时 直接输出 0 { printf"0"); continue; } start = eend = 0; /** j = k = 0; whilex[j]=='0')// 受到 j++; x = x.substrj,x.length)-j);// 受到 hdu 1753 的影响,以为会有前导0,其实没有 whiley[k]=='0') k++; y = y.substrk,y.length)-k); **/ fori = 1;i<1000;i++) { ifcomparex,num[i])==0) { start = i; break; } else ifcomparenum[i],x)==-1&&comparenum[i+1],x)==1) { start = i+1; break; } } fori = 1;i<1000;i++) { ifcomparey,num[i])==0){ eend = i;break; } else ifcomparenum[i],y)==-1&&comparenum[i+1],y)==1){ eend = i;break; } } ifx=="0") // 注意 x == 0 时的情况 start = 1; //cout<<start<<" "<<eend<<endl;; cout<<eend-start+1<<endl; } }